Friday 29 May 2020

Is school overrated?

Is school overrated? 

For centuries children have been going to school.

But what if I told you there was a better “school” actually no school at all.

You have probably heard of the concept of homeschooling before 

Schooling at home right?

For two years I was homeschooled after all that I came out with a much better mindset towards not just learning but life. I also found that I could problem solve and self manage.

These are both things schools all over New Zealand encourage but then why do they come along and micromanage us?

Home schooling isn’t just schooling at home Its a whole new concept of learning. Student lead learning I did some research and found that homeschooled children tend to score better on state and federal standardised tests. According to research from Brian Ray of the National Home Education Research Institute, home-educated kids “typically score 15 to 30 percent more than public-school students on standardised academic achievement tests.” This is true regardless of the parent’s income or if they have experience teaching. 

You're probably thinking yeah, but what about the kids' social skills if they're not at school? 

Don't we all need to learn how to deal with bullies NO!

Let me explain.

All our biggest hopes and dreams happen when we're little kids.

When you go to school as a little kid) you have these awesome big ideas only for them to be crushed by bigger kids and bullies.

Meanwhile, the little kid at home has the same big idea with no bully or no teacher to tell then what to do, therefore he or she can pursue their Idea and create a wonderful masterpiece or an awesome robot excreta, all by themselves

Or thought there is one downside to homeschooling and that's the fact that you have no friends though there are events and things to bring homeschool kids closer together but Its definitely not as good as school socially for friends.

So I’ve been thinking why can't we make school more like homeschool by doing more student lead learning and letting students choose what they want to do not just one of projects but most of their learning I feel like there should be a better way to “learn” the sit in a classroom for 6 hours a day doing work the teacher has set us. We just try to memorise facts and then spit them out on tests. 

Is the learning strategy nz schools are using really the best?

Friday 22 May 2020

My email to Jacinda

Dear Jacinda Ardern,

My name is Charlie, I live in Manakau and I go to Otaki college. I'm twelve years old and I love basketball, cars and art. Do you like art? I think it's a great way to express your feelings in a different way.

I like the decision you have made to help kiwis all over New Zealand. I can't imagine the stress you are going through to deal with the virus. You have been tough and sern toward covid-19 and I think putting into lockdown when you did was a great idea, not only did it save lives but it brought families closer together. 

I want to thank you for all the hard work and effort you have put in to help New Zealand. I know the battle is not over but we're on the home straight.

You are a great leader, you've stayed positive throughout all of this and I think what your doing is awesome.

Once again, I just want to say thank you for doing your job so well.

From Charlie.  🙂

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Friday 15 May 2020

Tuesday 12 May 2020

stoyboard that.

in this comic the teen travels back in time only to be utterly confused with the way they speak.

Monday 11 May 2020

Reading tasks for battle

Reading Tasks 3 
Pick one of the stories in the resources section. When you finish reading
the story, write down the title and today’s date underneath these instructions. 
You need to choose at least 3 of these tasks to complete that relate to the story
you read today.  You can put your answer underneath the Task you choose. 

Task N. Use a whole page to draw a poster advertising this book.
Make sure you write on the poster why people should read it! 
You can use Canva or google draw.
Task O Find five interesting words from this book.
Write down what each means. Then use each word in a sentence of your own. 

walk or behave in a very confident and arrogant or self-important way.

Turns out krump is actually a dance compition in the story its the name of there group but I was checking out some krump highlights and found some really cool dancing.
(of a sound or voice) loud, deep, and resonant.
walk by dragging one's feet along or without lifting them fully from the ground.
show shyness, embarrassment, or shame by becoming red in the face.

Task Q Pretend you are one of the characters in the book.
Who will you be? Write your diary for one day in the story. 
Timionana  diary entery
Today It rained and I my mum confiscated my speaker so I couldn't practice my moves
I pretty much just sat around and watched golden state destroy the new york knicks on
espn. We did go out for macas though.

Friday 8 May 2020

What is your favourite car brand?

Comment your favourite down below!

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Coronavirus comic

Here is a link to my Storyboard Task
in this comic I tried to create a fantasy character (the crononavirus) and have a bit of fun but also have a moral to the story which I think all comics need
the comic is about a group of boys all touching something without washing their hands and they go on to spread the virus which becomes a massive monster and begin destroying the city.
but then comes along a hero  (hand sanitiser gun in hand) and simply squirts the monster and he dies 
this show that all you need to do to stop the virus is wash you hand and isolate.

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Monday 4 May 2020

reading task

Reading Task 1 
Pick one of the ANZAC day stories in the resources section. When you finish reading the story, write down the title and today’s date underneath these instructions.  You need to choose at least 3 of these tasks to complete that relate to the story you read today.  You can put your answer underneath the Task you choose. 


Task B Draw a picture of your favourite bit in the book. ✔️

Task C Write down 3 new words you have learnt from this book. Give me the definition of these words, put them into your own sentences.
a wall hanging made of a rich tapestry fabric, typically used to conceal an alcove.
I pulled back the red arras and went into my secret chamber
a device that is placed on or in the ground and used to detect seismic waves.
She used the geophone to hear where they were going.
(it’s really hard to find words I didn't know so I just put some interesting one on) 
a trench that is dug and roofed over as a shelter for troops.
"the German gun crew stayed in dugouts"

Task F Copy out your favourite sentence from this book. Why do you like this sentence? Give a detailed reason for this.
By early April 1917 the underground city was ready.
This sentence is my favorite because it leaves you hanging and the words underground city are really hooking for me.

Boy movie review

cant publish to web so I have put the link.