Thursday 27 February 2020

My 2020 blog profile

Guten Tag,
My name is Charlie and I’m a year 8. I love cars, creating content, drawing and basketball.
I have my own YouTube videos where I do tutorials and drawing videos.
Something you might not know about me is that for about 3 years I was home schooled.
I have too many favourite foods to pick one. I also love shoes and listening to music.
I have a crazy cat called trooper who acts like a dog and meows really loud.
Thanks for checking out my blog, leave a comment or else my cat will eat you!

Thursday 20 February 2020

Swimming Sports

I run  around like a headless chicken frantically trying to find where to sign up. 
I get to the pool and see the gazebos and kids in bright house colours rooting for their teams.
I watch a few races and Lachlan throws my brand new pink Wilson ball in the pool pretty
frustrated I make my way to the Totara tent and sit down. I begin worrying
about the aggressively loud gun putting me off when my mum arrives.
This perks me up and I go and sit with her. Fraser and Lachlan do the 200m and both do pretty
well. Finally it's time for my race.  I jump in and immediately the cold water and pumping adrenaline
seems to numb my brain “BANG!” I glide through the water as quickly as possible pushing my body
to the limit but its not good enough a wave of frustration boils up inside me, clenching my
teeth I realise I forgot my goggles “I can't believe it” I say in an irritated voice “oh no” my mum
says sympathetically. Its alright though at least I got in there and had a go. I had a lot of
fun watching the monstrous Manus I don’t understand how
they can make a splash 6 times the size of their body.
I got to skip a day of school so it's a win-win.