Friday 24 April 2020

Fav story from this week

The tiny child was screaming with agony inside. If only he had a better way to express his feelings for this strange, yellow, sticky, stinky thing his parents called “fruit” his poor mother was ignoring his crying. And was fed up with trying (and failing) to Coax the mushy banana down the baby's throat.
How in the world was she going to get him to eat?
Mum had tried everything Tomatoes, apples, tuna, cheese, even extremely expensive gourmet eyeballs The list goes on and on the only thing he seemed to be slightly interested was Shoes. But mum was no going to let him eat shoes!
Or was she.
One week later…
The poor baby was a skinny as a stick and would take his eyes of his brother's blue Nike's. “Fine baby eat the shoes!” yelled the boys mother. (she had gone a bit mad). To the mother's surprise the baby giggled and grabbed the sneaker swallowing it in one or mighty gulp. Follow promptly with the largest belch ever.

LOCKDOWN drawings

 These are my latest Lock down drawings.

Thursday 23 April 2020

Today's writing was REALLY hard.

Rolling in grass with his new lightning McQueen shoes, I’m going to kill that boy! Thinks mum. But this was the quere little kid’s plan.
10 minutes later…
There's Suddenly a gust of wind and nek minute.. Little body right into cow pat 'SPLAT!’ uh oh.
From what I can see theres a child rolling in feces.

Wednesday 22 April 2020


Me and my sister sometime do this.
ten push ups
skipping for 2 mins straight
20 frog squats
15 sit ups
repeat 3 times then 5 minute run

Wednesday 15 April 2020

My Holiday

It’s a hot sunny Friday and  as dad revs up the 13 litre 6 cylinder monster It reminds me of when we travelled on the bus. Just because we can’t leave the property doesn’t mean we can't go on a little holiday up the paddock. I ly in bed reading and old issue of top gear* and relaxing, It is very rare that I am ever relaxed but at this moment huddled under a duvet in our bus, I was. Though I’m not a fan of daylight saving (as I like to play basketball late at night) there is one upside, fireworks .I’m not sure If they're illegal at the moment but boy was it fun. just us on our property playing with sparklers and watching the sky explode.
The next morning I woke up way too early and I swear I almost froze to death.
me and my sister played a fun game of monopoly deal (which by the way is a much quicker and better version of the monopoly board game) and later on played another even more fun board game called catan. Those two days were probably the highlights of my holiday.
*best car magazine (with over 300 issue)

Trooper's cranny

Huddled in a basket, a fluffy ball of happiness. Dopey from a big day out, leaping on and then eating the poor birds. family surrounding her making too much noise. She Can’t be bothered to move, guess she’ll just stay there forever… wait! Was that a bird? Quickly but quietly she darts from her crany and into th- ”Bang!” Ranch slider? Scratching at the glass she tries to get to the black bird. so close but so far. Meow! Meow! “Hurry up human slaves” she thinks. finally her most trusty servant aka Charlie rushes to the ranch slider and grips his paws around the big metal door opening it effortlessly. The fluffy cat* rushes out the door only to watch the black bird fly out of her paw-tips and into the night sky. she turns around, dropping her tale and heads back into the warm comforting lounge, Charlie shutting the glass behind her. Maybe next time.

(156 words)